Wednesday 30 December 2015

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Study Guide and Strategies : apa pentingnya bagi pustakawan?

Hi bro...Ngubek-ubek inet mencari referensi tentang membaca, akhirnya menemukan. Secara umum ada istilah membaca cepat a.k.a Speed Reading (klik di sini), namun ada lagi konsep membaca yang disebug SQ3R, atau Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review. Jika susun, kurang lebih menjadi: before you read, please SURVEY the chapter, make a QUESTION while you are surveying, then when you begin to READ....look for answers to the questions you first raised etc, RECITE after you've read a section..., and REVIEW: an ongoing process. Referensi tentang SQ3R ini saya peroleh dari Selain web tersebut, juga dapat dilihat pengembangannya di dan

Selain tentang membaca, ternyata web StudiGS juga menyediakan berbagai referensi tentang thinking, memorizing, reading critically, reading difficult material, dan lain-lain.
SGS sendiri, telah eksis selama 16 tahun dan diakses dari berbagai negara. Amerika menjadi pengakses terbesar (48%), sementara Indonesia bersama Columbia dengan angka  1%. Lebih lengkap tentang profilnya, klik, hampir ketinggalan. Web ini juga tersedia dalam berbagai Bahasa pengantar. Untuk bahasa Indonesia, silakan klik

Apa fungsinya bagi pustakawan? banyak bro.. selain untuk diri sendiri, bisa juga dibagikan pada pemustaka. Pustakawan dapat bermain pada ranah ini. Caranya? ah... pustakawan pasti tahulah.
Coba lihat digital literacy,  bagian learning skill dan information literacy pada URL

Tuesday 29 December 2015

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Log Whatsapp English Club FT UGM (29/12/2015)

Perpustakaan FT UGM memiliki kelompok belajar bahasa Inggris. Selain bertemu muka, juga memiliki grup di whatsapp. Pada grup ini, anggota dapat berdiskusi tentang apapun, dan diusahakan dalam bahasa Inggris. Tentu saja bisa juga dalam Bahasa Indonesia, jika dirasa sulit. Yang penting mencoba menulis/bicara dalam Bahasa Inggris. Bertanya tentang artikata, menyusun kalimat, sekedar say hello, juga tidak dilarang.

berikut log diskusi pada grup tersebut.


[11/30/2015, 3:45 PM] Simpatiku: Good afternoon. This is our english club whatsapp grup. Hope will help us to improve our english skill.
[11/30/2015, 3:45 PM] Simpatiku: Good afternoon mr,. Budhi
[11/30/2015, 3:46 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: πŸ“πŸ‰πŸ…πŸ’πŸŠ
[11/30/2015, 3:47 PM] Simpatiku: welcome Mr. Jai...
[11/30/2015, 3:47 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: Thank you mas Pur...
[11/30/2015, 3:48 PM] Simpatiku:
.. two URL, recommended by Mbak Leni, related with speaking or presentation skill.
[11/30/2015, 3:52 PM] Mahasiswa Leni A Mpkd: Those are just examples
[11/30/2015, 3:52 PM] Mahasiswa Leni A Mpkd: I suggest you download ted app from app store
[11/30/2015, 3:53 PM] Mahasiswa Leni A Mpkd: Because it provides english subtitle making u easier to follow the talks
[11/30/2015, 3:56 PM] Simpatiku: Ok Leni. Thanks
[11/30/2015, 3:58 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: Thanks sister... It's helpful...
[11/30/2015, 3:58 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Wow.. Thank you very much for this forum...
[11/30/2015, 3:59 PM] Simpatiku: Dont forget about out next english class
[11/30/2015, 4:00 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: So we can practise our English just not limited to the time of class..
[11/30/2015, 4:00 PM] Simpatiku: Try to write.. Try to speak and try to listen...
[11/30/2015, 4:00 PM] Simpatiku: Yui Bro Firto.
[11/30/2015, 4:01 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Yeah... That's all we need the most..
[11/30/2015, 4:01 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Try to practise anytime...
[11/30/2015, 4:01 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: That's Right bro Pur...
[11/30/2015, 4:01 PM] Simpatiku: Mr. Jai.. How about mr. Rusli, mrs. Retno and mrs. Heny?
[11/30/2015, 4:02 PM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: Hai
[11/30/2015, 4:02 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: Ok bro... I'll ask them...
[11/30/2015, 4:02 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: What a nice achievement that we are in a particular forum today since our brilliant brother mas pur created it..
[11/30/2015, 4:03 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Thank you a lot.. πŸ˜‰
[11/30/2015, 4:05 PM] Mahasiswa Leni A Mpkd: My pleasure guys ☺
[11/30/2015, 4:07 PM] Simpatiku: mr. jai, if mr. rusly interested to join, please tell me
[11/30/2015, 4:09 PM] Simpatiku: Welcome Mr. Pada Lumba..
[11/30/2015, 4:10 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Excuse me Mas Pur, have you invited Putu Deni?
[11/30/2015, 4:10 PM] Simpatiku: not yet.
[11/30/2015, 4:10 PM] Simpatiku: ok
[11/30/2015, 4:11 PM] Simpatiku: welcome Deni
[11/30/2015, 4:13 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: Mas Pur, please invite mr Rusli, mrs Henny and mrs Retno... I just told them...
[11/30/2015, 4:14 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: I dont think he's online at this time as I noticed he was not feeling well
[11/30/2015, 4:16 PM] Simpatiku: Mr jai.. I don't have mrs.  Heni phone number.
[11/30/2015, 4:19 PM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: Thank you for your invitation sir
[11/30/2015, 4:22 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: Mrs Heny: xxxxx
[11/30/2015, 4:26 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: New comers pak Pur, mr Agus Winarno: xxxx
[11/30/2015, 4:27 PM] Mahasiswa Heni S3 Geomatika: thank u pak pur
[11/30/2015, 4:28 PM] Simpatiku: Welcome Mrs. Heni (Ph.D Student of Geomatics departement)
[11/30/2015, 4:31 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: thanks MP
[11/30/2015, 4:31 PM] Simpatiku: you are welcome Bro.
[11/30/2015, 4:31 PM] Simpatiku: let's try to write in English, here.
[11/30/2015, 4:34 PM] Mahasiswa Heni S3 Geomatika: u r welcome mr pur
[11/30/2015, 4:35 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: My pleasure mr. Purwoko....
[11/30/2015, 4:38 PM] Mahasissa Agus Geologi: thanks for Mr. Purwoko..πŸ™
[11/30/2015, 5:28 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: OK welcome members
[11/30/2015, 5:28 PM] Simpatiku: Welcome Catrine..
[11/30/2015, 6:37 PM] Simpatiku: On Thursday 15.30 PM, we have a plan in EC. We will practice a presentation. We invite all of you, to join.
[11/30/2015, 7:02 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: OK
[11/30/2015, 7:51 PM] Mahasiswa Putu Deni: thank you pak pur. πŸ™πŸ»
[11/30/2015, 8:41 PM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: Insyaallah...  Tq
[12/1/2015, 10:10 AM] Simpatiku: This book is available in engineering library.
[12/1/2015, 10:36 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Howdy?? ;)
[12/2/2015, 8:47 AM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: just share, what if we update the status via social media using english we can use the hashtag / tag #englishclubft
[12/2/2015, 8:57 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: It's not a big deal for me.. πŸ˜‰
[12/2/2015, 9:10 AM] Simpatiku: hmm, may be, I can do it when I promote our class in social media. So I can track our EC histories
[12/2/2015, 9:55 AM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: πŸ‘πŸ½
[12/2/2015, 11:18 AM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: πŸŽπŸ…πŸ“
[12/3/2015, 8:21 AM] Simpatiku: Don't forget... Our english club in this afternoon. 15.30-17.00 pm
[12/3/2015, 8:22 AM] Mahasiswa Heni S3 Geomatika: ok thank u mr pur
[12/3/2015, 8:27 AM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: 🍎🍎🍎
[12/3/2015, 8:31 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: OK!see ypu there
[12/3/2015, 3:45 PM] Simpatiku: Hi... I am here..
[12/3/2015, 4:24 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: Permission Mr Pur. i can not join to EC today.
[12/3/2015, 4:26 PM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: Permission Mr Pur. i can not join to EC today too
[12/3/2015, 5:03 PM] Mahasiswa Leni A Mpkd: Im sorry Anna and  i also cant attend our english club class today due to another class at our department..hopefully we  will join the class next week..
[12/3/2015, 5:06 PM] Mahasiswa Leni A Mpkd: Please share our class experience today Mr. Pur ☺
[12/3/2015, 6:12 PM] Simpatiku: Welcome mr. Bagus and miss Pauline.
[12/3/2015, 6:14 PM] Simpatiku: Mbak Leni.. Today we practice bring the short presentation. Next.. Chatrine will bring the presentation about her country, Uganda.
[12/3/2015, 8:59 PM] Mahasiswa Leni A Mpkd: That's cool Mr. Pur ☺
[12/3/2015, 9:02 PM] Mahasiswa Paulina Nainggolan: πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
[12/4/2015, 5:52 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Good morning family... ;)
[12/4/2015, 5:52 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Have a blessed day
[12/4/2015, 5:54 AM] Simpatiku: good morning... Wish you all the best..
[12/4/2015, 5:55 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Cool...
[12/4/2015, 5:56 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: The class was so fun yesterday.. I enjoyed it...
[12/4/2015, 5:56 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Thanx guys.... πŸ˜‰
[12/4/2015, 6:01 AM] Simpatiku: Yes.. and Catrine, is a special member of this library. She is the first special member in this Club. Thanks all.
[12/4/2015, 6:05 AM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: Me too mas Pur....πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
[12/4/2015, 6:05 AM] Mahasiswa Rusli: πŸ‘
[12/4/2015, 6:06 AM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: India is near Uganda..:)
[12/4/2015, 6:09 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: And Pauline as well... They both made the class more colorful.. Isn't it, guys?
[12/4/2015, 6:10 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: πŸ˜‰
[12/4/2015, 6:33 AM] Simpatiku: Yui.
[12/4/2015, 8:09 AM] Simpatiku: Pauline also has a special story about jogja heritage walk.
[12/4/2015, 8:19 AM] Mahasiswa Paulina Nainggolan: maybe I can share my experience in jogja heritage walking in the next meeting.
[12/4/2015, 8:34 AM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: Good sister... Nice idea...
[12/4/2015, 9:27 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Hey hey guys good morning,yes Pauline please also prepare your slides an we shall present...
[12/4/2015, 9:28 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Am loving it members yah lets keep the fire burning in our clud,@Mr Jay wowow India near Uganda ,,nope somehow far....l,
[12/4/2015, 10:04 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Good morning too Katrina... And yes, that's such a good idea Paul, it will brings something meaningful to our class if you would take part on it.. πŸ‘πŸ»
[12/4/2015, 10:07 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Excuse me Katrina, what do you mean with "Clud"..
[12/4/2015, 10:08 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Excuse me Katrina, what do you mean with "Clud"??
[12/5/2015, 8:03 AM] Mahasiswa Paulina Nainggolan: I think what Katrina mean was "club".
[12/5/2015, 8:04 AM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: I think so...
[12/5/2015, 8:04 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Owhh... Yes.. I think so
[12/5/2015, 8:05 AM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: or may be Cloud...? πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
[12/5/2015, 8:06 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: She may mistyped the word..
[12/5/2015, 8:07 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Ahmm I mean, maybe she put it mistyped..
[12/5/2015, 8:08 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Paul, can you get my point?? I'm a bit confuse with my sentence..
[12/5/2015, 8:15 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Mr Jay, or anyone else.. Do you have any suggestion. How do you say this "mungkin dia salah ketik" in english..
[12/5/2015, 8:15 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: ??
[12/5/2015, 8:17 AM] Mahasiswa Paulina Nainggolan: I got it, Ms.Fine. how about "typo" wkwkwkwk
[12/5/2015, 8:19 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Haha... Yeah.. Typo..
[12/5/2015, 8:20 AM] Mahasiswa Paulina Nainggolan: But actually. I don't really know if "typo" is a word in English.πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
[12/5/2015, 8:21 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Typo is a slang.. Not too formal
[12/5/2015, 8:21 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: But it's okay
[12/5/2015, 8:22 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: We don't limit our speech just by its form..
[12/5/2015, 8:24 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: As long as we speak and it's understandable then there's not a big deal... We can correct each other..
[12/5/2015, 8:27 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: "There's no" atau "there's not" atau "there's nothing" yang bener yang mana yah?? πŸ˜ƒ #confused
[12/5/2015, 8:38 AM] Mahasiswa Paulina Nainggolan: I think it depend to the context,
[12/5/2015, 11:01 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Ohhhhh yah typing erro..., sorry i mearnt club..@Pauline Thanks dear
[12/5/2015, 3:57 PM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: Good afternoon, somebody help me please how to say in english habiskan makannya or habiskan minumnya, like parents say to their son, thanks
[12/5/2015, 3:59 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Finish your meal..
[12/5/2015, 4:00 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Maybe... πŸ˜€
[12/5/2015, 4:00 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Thats just how my mind can share... 😁
[12/5/2015, 4:00 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Parents say to their son: Son could you please finish your meal,drink.....,,
[12/5/2015, 4:11 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: 🍎🍎🍎
[12/5/2015, 4:12 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Could you please share the fruits Mr. Jay?? πŸ˜‰
[12/5/2015, 4:16 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: Hahahha..
I just share for all of you...
The real one will come to you at 1st floor MK
[12/5/2015, 4:32 PM] Mahasissa Agus Geologi: 1st floor MK....πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜₯
[12/5/2015, 4:35 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: MK? Where is it?
[12/5/2015, 4:36 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: Mirota Kampus....
[12/5/2015, 4:38 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Owh.. Hahaha..
[12/5/2015, 4:45 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Haha woowπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
[12/5/2015, 6:25 PM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: Thank you for your help
[12/5/2015, 7:01 PM] Simpatiku: Next class, mr. Jay will bring the fruits. For all of us
[12/5/2015, 7:06 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: Nice idea pak pur☺πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘
[12/5/2015, 7:12 PM] Emi Asec: Hi, everyone. I am Emmy from Urban and Regional Planning, UGM. Big thanks to Mr.Purwoko who added me here. Great to have an English club like this. Hope we can get intouch :)
[12/5/2015, 7:18 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Yes... Welcome Miss Emmy.. It's nice to have you here... πŸ˜‰
[12/5/2015, 7:19 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Keep in touch...
[12/5/2015, 7:20 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: hallo ms Emmy. good sundaynight
[12/5/2015, 7:20 PM] Emi Asec: Cool. Any plan you do tonight?
[12/5/2015, 7:23 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: how about you P Vijay....
[12/5/2015, 7:24 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: cool...making warm with dance kuch kuch hotahai πŸ˜„
[12/5/2015, 7:33 PM] Simpatiku: Mbak Emi is a founder of ASEC, the most famous english club in UGM.
[12/5/2015, 7:54 PM] Simpatiku: New library, new spirit. Jogjakarta new library building, with various facility and Services.
[12/5/2015, 7:54 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Wow... Wonderful.. So, welcome back again Mbak Emi...
[12/5/2015, 7:54 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: I wish to have you in our next class..
[12/5/2015, 8:01 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’
[12/5/2015, 8:03 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Cherry..
[12/5/2015, 8:15 PM] Emi Asec: Library service is an update topic I guess. Yesterday Mrs.Sri Sukarsih was on TV Show Sentilan Sentilun. I watched it. She said that Indonesia's rate on reading is 0-1 book per week. Still has to compete with Singapore, Malaysia, and Philliphine with at least 4 books per week.
[12/5/2015, 8:15 PM] Emi Asec: I learn with all of you guys :) I am still a learner
[12/6/2015, 4:24 AM] Simpatiku: Rate on reading, is not only related with "minat baca", but also related with "ketersediaan buku yang diminati".
[12/6/2015, 6:26 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Nice info... Thanks
[12/6/2015, 7:51 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Good morning all... Have a great sunday... ;)
[12/6/2015, 9:25 AM] Mahasiswa Paulina Nainggolan: Have a great Sunday :) keep  the spirit !!!
[12/6/2015, 9:25 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
[12/6/2015, 9:55 AM] Simpatiku: Wedding ceremony, near my house.
[12/6/2015, 10:03 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Wedding ceremony near by your house Mas Pur?? Any opportunity to invite as a guest? It seems there will be "makan besar" held over there.. 😁
[12/6/2015, 10:10 AM] Simpatiku: Haha. Yui.. "makan besar", what is in English? Big eating?
[12/6/2015, 10:12 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Haha.. That's why I left it in Bahasa.. I have no idea about it.
[12/6/2015, 2:16 PM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: If i went to somewhere with my son by motorcycle, i always say duduknya didepan ya, how to say in english about it
[12/6/2015, 2:32 PM] Mahasiswa Leni A Mpkd: Sit here,please..#smbil nunjuk ke depan #ngaco πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚
[12/6/2015, 2:39 PM] Mahasiswa Haidar: You can sit at the front?
[12/6/2015, 3:03 PM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: Thank you
[12/6/2015, 3:35 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Have your seat in front of me, please..
[12/6/2015, 3:36 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: Good...
[12/6/2015, 3:37 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: Have your seat behind me darling.... And keep calm...
[12/6/2015, 3:37 PM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: Thank you
[12/7/2015, 7:38 PM] Simpatiku: Hi guys... Mr Bagus, one of the librarian in Eng. Faculty UGM, is a blogger.
[12/7/2015, 7:52 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Wow... Really??
[12/7/2015, 7:52 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: What is the advantage of being a bloger??
[12/7/2015, 7:53 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: We can earn money from that??
[12/7/2015, 7:54 PM] Simpatiku: As a blogger, we can learn about writing.
[12/7/2015, 7:54 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: And how did you find him as a blogger?
[12/7/2015, 7:54 PM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: Librarian Blogger
[12/7/2015, 7:55 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Owhh... I thought it somekind of google ads.. Or aomething like that
[12/7/2015, 7:55 PM] Simpatiku: Yes. We can earn money. But, be a good and honesty blogger.
[12/7/2015, 7:55 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: *something
[12/7/2015, 7:55 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: I've been heard about how people makes money from a blog..
[12/7/2015, 7:57 PM] Simpatiku: Yes. We can earn money from google ads, or direct advertisement from some products
[12/7/2015, 7:57 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Hhmm.. Yeah.. And I'm still wondering how the way..
[12/7/2015, 7:58 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: I hope Mas Bagus could share his knowledge about it..
[12/7/2015, 8:00 PM] Simpatiku: and are example of blog which can help the owner to earn money
[12/7/2015, 8:07 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Nice info..
[12/7/2015, 8:13 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: good news
[12/7/2015, 8:25 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: πŸ‡πŸ‡πŸ‡
[12/7/2015, 9:18 PM] Perpus Ft Bagus: Yes Mr. Fine what about explain from Mr. Purwoko that is experience as long be     blogger
[12/8/2015, 9:17 AM] Emi Asec: Cool :)))
[12/9/2015, 8:50 AM] Simpatiku: Yeah... Today is election day for governoor and "bupati".. Selamat memilih..
[12/9/2015, 8:22 PM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: I am jogja,  not today,  jogja n kulon progo at 2016 election bupati
[12/9/2015, 8:29 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: There will no more election day until next 5 years, i think..
[12/9/2015, 8:29 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: That is the new regulation..
[12/10/2015, 4:32 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: *Governor* @Mas purwoko.
[12/10/2015, 4:32 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: *There will be no election for 5yrs* its the new regulation
[12/10/2015, 4:32 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Fine
[12/10/2015, 8:07 AM] Emi Asec: No election in my region, Magelang. We still have a leader till some years ahead.
[12/10/2015, 8:11 AM] Simpatiku: This is the result in my region, Gunungkidul. Ssst... I am originally from Gunungkidul.. The hidden paradise of Jogjakarta.
[12/10/2015, 8:13 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: O yess... Thank you Katrina for the correction..
[12/10/2015, 8:14 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Good morning everyone..
[12/10/2015, 9:52 AM] Mahasiswa Haidar: Wah udah terdaftar sebagai UKM toh?
[12/10/2015, 9:53 AM] Simpatiku: A invitation letter from forum pustakawan ugm. To attend a discussion. For 2 students. Free. More detail, visit
[12/10/2015, 9:53 AM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: Ternyata formal juga...ya...

Opo isinya mas....
[12/10/2015, 9:53 AM] Mahasiswa Rusli: what it is content
[12/10/2015, 9:53 AM] Simpatiku: Not yes, still a club.
[12/10/2015, 9:53 AM] Simpatiku: Not yet UKM.
[12/10/2015, 10:20 AM] Emi Asec: *an invitation πŸ˜‰
[12/10/2015, 10:20 AM] Emi Asec: Cool
[12/10/2015, 10:36 AM] Simpatiku: ups, An Invitation.
[12/10/2015, 11:02 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Wahh... Wahh.... Mas pur.. You're the man...!!! ;)
[12/10/2015, 11:03 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Diusahakan mas nanti merapat ke perpus siang ini..
[12/10/2015, 11:03 AM] Simpatiku: πŸ‘†πŸ»in english, please :)
[12/10/2015, 11:04 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Ooopss.. Im sorry, Im so excited, that's why.. πŸ˜ƒ
[12/11/2015, 3:58 PM] Simpatiku: Hi, hot news today..
what do you think?
[12/11/2015, 4:09 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: I think it makes sense..
[12/11/2015, 5:46 PM] Emi Asec: Agree. That is why we should encourage academicians as soon as possible to publish their researchs, share the knowledge through library and such of it.
[12/11/2015, 6:40 PM] Simpatiku: Maybe.. We can held mini scientific presentation at library
[12/11/2015, 6:42 PM] Emi Asec: I support it
[12/11/2015, 6:46 PM] Simpatiku: TED like.. English presentation or scientific presentation
[12/11/2015, 6:47 PM] Emi Asec: Could be. It would be a great movement.
[12/11/2015, 6:47 PM] Emi Asec: 10 slides max with 20 seconds per each, probably
[12/11/2015, 6:50 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: According to the article, the research has been published and it's even increasingly comes to the library from time to time. The problem is they could only be collections from the library and much less no implementation at all...
[12/11/2015, 6:52 PM] Emi Asec: Ach Ja, I mean publication through creative ones like sharing
[12/11/2015, 6:52 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Yeah... That is it..
[12/11/2015, 6:57 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: Ya...that's right....good ideaπŸ‘...
[12/12/2015, 8:44 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Good morning group πŸ˜‰, how are you??
[12/12/2015, 8:46 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Today's word : "coexist" = hidup bersama (berdampingan)
[12/12/2015, 9:09 AM] Simpatiku: Hi bro and sist... What is your activities today?
[12/12/2015, 9:21 AM] Simpatiku: I am here... Bedah buku "capacity building librarian" at UIN Sunan Kalijaga
[12/12/2015, 9:26 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Great Mas Pur, even in weekend you're still busy with this stuff.. ;)
[12/12/2015, 9:29 AM] Emi Asec: πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
[12/12/2015, 9:29 AM] Emi Asec: This morning is awesome! Probably try to come on airforce show.
[12/12/2015, 9:32 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Owh really? Interesting.. Where will it be held?
[12/12/2015, 9:33 AM] Emi Asec: Museum Dirgantara, for free. But dunno the exact schedule.
[12/12/2015, 9:33 AM] Emi Asec: It would be held till 20th dec
[12/12/2015, 9:35 AM] Simpatiku: What is the meaning of "dunno...."?
[12/12/2015, 9:36 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Dont know mas pur
[12/12/2015, 9:37 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Some Informal style of english. Isnt it Mba emmy
[12/12/2015, 9:37 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: ?
[12/12/2015, 9:37 AM] Simpatiku: Ouw.. Like "bahasa slengekan"?
[12/12/2015, 9:37 AM] Emi Asec: Yes. That is slang word :)
[12/12/2015, 9:38 AM] Emi Asec: Yoi
[12/12/2015, 9:38 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Yes..
[12/12/2015, 9:38 AM] Mahasiswa Leni A Mpkd: Mr Pur?did we have class last thursday?
[12/12/2015, 9:38 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Nice info mba Emmy, thanks ;)
[12/12/2015, 9:39 AM] Emi Asec: No sweat, Mr.Fine :)
[12/12/2015, 9:40 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Ummh... Thanks again, one more idiom i got. "No sweat"
[12/12/2015, 9:43 AM] Emi Asec: It means "you are welcome". It is an informal one too.
[12/12/2015, 9:44 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Yeah... I got it..
[12/12/2015, 9:44 AM] Emi Asec: 😊😊😊
[12/12/2015, 9:59 AM] Simpatiku: Mbak leni: Next thursday 17th Dec,  And Catrine will bring a presentation about Uganda.
And for the next..we can discuss again.
[12/12/2015, 10:00 AM] Emi Asec: Cool
[12/12/2015, 10:04 AM] Simpatiku: πŸ‘† i think, faculty will held an UAS, start from 21st dec.
[12/12/2015, 10:06 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: "Hold" what do you think Mba Emmy?
[12/12/2015, 10:20 AM] Mahasiswa Leni A Mpkd: O i c,tq mr.Pur
[12/12/2015, 10:31 AM] Emi Asec: Will held : akan mengadakan
Will be held : akan diselenggarakan
Will hold : akan memegang

Held memang punya sinonim dgn bentuk passive hold
[12/12/2015, 10:34 AM] Emi Asec: Sample
[12/12/2015, 10:37 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Owh.. Thanks, at first I thought held only for the passive, like "the event will be held" ...... And it turns to be "They hold the event for today".
Nice share mba emmy... ;)
[12/12/2015, 8:06 PM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: How are you doing everybody, have fun weekend
[12/12/2015, 8:09 PM] Emi Asec: Have a fun weekend too Mr.Padalumba :)
[12/13/2015, 6:06 PM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: If i went somewhere with my son by motorcycle, i never forget to say, TIGHT YOUR HELMET PLEASE, is it correct sentence?
[12/13/2015, 6:23 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Yup its correct bt some mistakes "when am going not if i went"
[12/13/2015, 6:37 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Hello.. Good evening everyone..
How was your weekend?
[12/13/2015, 6:39 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Fine and yours
[12/13/2015, 6:43 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: It was fine too... ;)
[12/13/2015, 7:56 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Excuse me Mas Pur,...
[12/13/2015, 8:00 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: I forgot the schedule of the event from the main library. Whether tomorrow monday or tuesday?
[12/13/2015, 8:06 PM] Simpatiku: Tuesday bro.. 09.00 to 11.30
[12/13/2015, 8:09 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Ok... Thank you mas pur..
[12/13/2015, 8:38 PM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: Thank you katrin, what about the sentence ; tight your helmet, is it correct?
[12/13/2015, 10:05 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Yah its correct..@padalumba
[12/13/2015, 10:05 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Wats in the main library@ mas purwoko
[12/13/2015, 10:20 PM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: Thanks you katrina
[12/13/2015, 10:21 PM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: I mean thank you katrina
[12/13/2015, 10:23 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Dont mention
[12/14/2015, 4:59 AM] Simpatiku: Catrine: A discussion about library roles. The title is "optimalizing a roles of academic library and librarian".
[12/14/2015, 5:17 AM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: πŸ‘
[12/14/2015, 6:49 AM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: When discussion will be held?
[12/14/2015, 7:18 AM] Simpatiku: Tommorow morning. Mr Firto and Mr. Alfa from FT will join to this discussion. Anyone else interesting to join?
[12/14/2015, 7:34 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Hmmmm wat time and where is it free
[12/14/2015, 7:34 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Mas purwoko
[12/14/2015, 8:01 AM] Simpatiku: @catrine: 09.00. We also sent an invitation letter to MIP students. Please contact Mr. Agus.
[12/14/2015, 9:47 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Yes, I confirm to attend the event Mas Pur, inshaa Allah I'll be there.. ;)
[12/14/2015, 10:20 AM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: This showing use english language or other mas pur
[12/14/2015, 12:42 PM] Simpatiku: Using bahasa.
[12/14/2015, 1:31 PM] Simpatiku: Caroline, at engineering library. She prepare the presentation for english club on thursday.
[12/14/2015, 1:33 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Super... ;)
[12/14/2015, 1:33 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Can't wait...
[12/15/2015, 2:16 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: What a good forum I have ever been to.. Good job Mas Pur and Mas Bagus, keep it up.. ;)
[12/16/2015, 4:23 PM] Simpatiku: English Club, tommorow. Don't forget to join in this class.
[12/16/2015, 4:34 PM] Emi Asec: See ya
[12/16/2015, 4:59 PM] Simpatiku: Top 10 benefits of digital literacy
[12/16/2015, 5:10 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: πŸ‘
[12/17/2015, 9:19 AM] Simpatiku: Dont forget, to join our english club.. this afternoon.
[12/17/2015, 10:00 AM] Emi Asec: πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
[12/17/2015, 2:59 PM] Emi Asec: Which room for the meeting, Sir?
[12/17/2015, 3:16 PM] Perpus Ft Bagus: please welcome to room for meeting is ETD room mrs emmy yr
[12/17/2015, 3:20 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: 🍎
[12/17/2015, 3:20 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: 🍏
[12/17/2015, 3:25 PM] Simpatiku: Lets go...
[12/17/2015, 3:25 PM] Simpatiku: Mr Jai. Mr Fine and the others...
[12/17/2015, 3:25 PM] Perpus Ft Bagus: All member of English Club Perpus FT will be wait with mrs. Caroline
[12/17/2015, 3:29 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Owh.. Yeahh... Almost forgotten..
[12/17/2015, 3:29 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Okay I'm coming
[12/17/2015, 3:33 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: It's 15.33 now...
[12/17/2015, 3:41 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Yes.. Im heading..
[12/17/2015, 3:42 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: Hurry up...
[12/17/2015, 5:05 PM] Perpus Ft Bagus: Presentation all about Uganda with mrs. Caroline
[12/17/2015, 5:12 PM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: I am so sorry can't attend mrs Carolina presentation,  because i have repair my motorcycle 😭
[12/17/2015, 5:28 PM] Perpus Ft Bagus: The Pictures take after end of english club session today
[12/17/2015, 5:43 PM] Simpatiku: welcome pak Rahim...
[12/17/2015, 6:05 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: wellcme mr pr2 πŸ˜„
[12/17/2015, 6:50 PM] Rahim Geografi: Thanks for involve me in this group...
[12/17/2015, 6:53 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Welcome to this group mas didi
[12/17/2015, 6:56 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Thank you everyone for sharing your time just now..
Special thanks to Katrina for what she has given to us about her country, we learned some new things today about her country...
[12/17/2015, 6:59 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Yah fine.....thanks too for coming
[12/17/2015, 7:01 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Ya.. It's my pleasure Katrina.. πŸ˜‰
[12/17/2015, 8:43 PM] Simpatiku: Mr Rusli, what do you mean about PR2?
[12/17/2015, 8:57 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: Pak Rahim PR1 πŸ˜„. clear sir . initial name from our group....πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
[12/18/2015, 6:12 AM] Simpatiku: Oo. I think pembantu rektor 2 😊
[12/18/2015, 8:50 AM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: Pr (home work) or pekerjaan rumah 😬
[12/18/2015, 9:27 AM] Mahasiswa Rusli: πŸ˜„
[12/18/2015, 9:27 AM] Mahasiswa Rusli: πŸ‘Œ
[12/18/2015, 9:32 AM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: One of grahatama pustaka (BPAD library) facility is 6D cinema...  Amazing 😬
[12/18/2015, 9:33 AM] Simpatiku: wow, can we make a plan to visit this new library? together, with english club members :)
[12/18/2015, 9:37 AM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: Iam agree mas pur πŸ‘πŸ½
[12/18/2015, 9:38 AM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: Discussion facility
[12/18/2015, 9:42 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Yah we should
[12/18/2015, 9:42 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Make that plan i love the idea @mas purwoko
[12/18/2015, 9:56 AM] Rahim Geografi: I do agree mas Pur...πŸ‘
[12/18/2015, 10:44 AM] Simpatiku: Welcome mr eddy subratha.
All member: Mr Eddy is a programmer. He graduates from engineering faculty ugm. He interesting to join with our english club.
Mr Eddy.. Let's speak.. Introduce your self.
[12/18/2015, 10:50 AM] Sdc Eddy Subratha: Thank you Mr Purwoko or Mas Pur πŸ˜„
Hi everybody... How do you do?
[12/18/2015, 10:51 AM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: I am fine thanks
[12/18/2015, 10:52 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Eddy how do you do
[12/18/2015, 10:57 AM] Sdc Eddy Subratha: Is it okay to use a local language to call someone like Mas Budi or Mbak Katrina?
[12/18/2015, 10:58 AM] Simpatiku: Mr Eddy is a programmer, so if you need information related with programming, especially web design and php, you can contact him :) *promote*
[12/18/2015, 11:00 AM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: Exactly the best programmers πŸ‘πŸ½
[12/18/2015, 11:00 AM] Sdc Eddy Subratha: Haha .. Thank you for promoting me Mas Pur, Dont hesitate to contact me anytime
[12/18/2015, 11:02 AM] Sdc Eddy Subratha: Not the best yet Mas Bud πŸ˜„
[12/18/2015, 11:05 AM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: Hehe+
[12/18/2015, 11:07 AM] Sdc Eddy Subratha: Okay... Lets get back to the work πŸ˜„ Have a nice day
[12/18/2015, 11:15 AM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: Have a nice jumat,
[12/18/2015, 11:34 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Owh.. Welcome Mas Eddy, nice to have you here...
I'm Firto Nento, from CIO 2015. My thesis topic would be related to programming Mas Eddy, especially php. I wish to have some times to consult my plan... 😁
No need to hurry, at least I've proposed my wish... Thanks a lot..
[12/18/2015, 11:58 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
[12/18/2015, 1:03 PM] Simpatiku: Mr Eddy is still in Lampung. When he come to jogja.., you can invite him to come to our library. 😊
[12/18/2015, 1:08 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Ok Mas Pur... Thank you for the info
[12/18/2015, 1:10 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: Mas Fine. when you go back to Gorongtalo
[12/18/2015, 1:12 PM] Sdc Eddy Subratha: With my pleasure mr fine πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜„
[12/18/2015, 1:12 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: early in januari Pak Rusli
[12/18/2015, 1:12 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: *January
[12/18/2015, 1:12 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Thak you very much Mas Eddy
[12/18/2015, 1:13 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: *Thank
[12/18/2015, 1:15 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: my be some time. you and me join to short course Uganda traditional dance With miss Katrina
[12/18/2015, 1:16 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Trust me you cant needs sometime energy
[12/18/2015, 1:18 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: slowly miss. step by step πŸ˜„
[12/18/2015, 1:19 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: I'm sure I can Katrina... All I need is a tutor, at least for some beginner moves..
[12/18/2015, 1:19 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: agree Mr Fine πŸ‘Œ
[12/18/2015, 1:19 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Hahahan Lol you guys are killing meπŸ˜„πŸ˜„
[12/18/2015, 1:19 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: I've been watching african dance even since before I was here..
[12/18/2015, 1:20 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: And african music as well.. I love it very much..
[12/18/2015, 1:20 PM] Rahim Geografi: Eat much n drink vitamin so you will be very powerfull in africa dancing...especially when mr Rusli graduate from Ph.DπŸ˜πŸ‘πŸ˜€
[12/18/2015, 1:21 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: course dance with cassava mr Rahim
[12/18/2015, 1:22 PM] Rahim Geografi: Dont worry about cassava...i will make it so  crispy...
[12/18/2015, 1:23 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: with chili bro
[12/18/2015, 1:23 PM] Rahim Geografi: Yummmmmmi
[12/18/2015, 1:23 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: my be miss Katrina try it
[12/18/2015, 1:25 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: That is for your sample.. I listen to this song very often..5:10
[12/18/2015, 1:30 PM] Rahim Geografi: What a nice this from africa...which part of africa?
[12/18/2015, 1:31 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Yah @mas diditernate please  make cassava
[12/18/2015, 1:36 PM] Rahim Geografi: Ok...someday....
[12/18/2015, 1:38 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Find out at youtube mas Didi, there are a lot of african music would interesting you.... This song taken from Habib Koite's album..
[12/18/2015, 1:39 PM] Rahim Geografi: Ok thanks mas Fine...
[12/18/2015, 1:39 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: πŸ˜‰
[12/18/2015, 1:58 PM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: Any suggestions,  learning portal for tofl preparation ?
[12/18/2015, 2:15 PM] Mahasiswa Rusli: how kabgBudhi
[12/18/2015, 2:21 PM] Simpatiku: Mas Budhi, open this url
you can get learning materials for english language
[12/18/2015, 2:21 PM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: Tq mas purwoko πŸ‘πŸ½
[12/18/2015, 2:22 PM] Simpatiku: or, this one:
[12/18/2015, 2:22 PM] Simpatiku: there are various URL for toefl test.
[12/18/2015, 2:22 PM] Perpus Ugm Budhi San: @mas muhammad,  i mean,  ask about portal website that provides learning materials  toefel
[12/19/2015, 7:47 AM] Simpatiku: Hi all... Happy birthday for UGM. 66 year old.
[12/19/2015, 7:53 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Wowow HBD UGM
[12/19/2015, 8:06 AM] Sdc Eddy Subratha: Happy Birthday UGM πŸ’ƒπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ
[12/19/2015, 8:08 AM] Sdc Eddy Subratha: And happy weekend πŸ‘πŸ»
[12/19/2015, 4:06 PM] Emi Asec: Dies natalies of ugm
[12/19/2015, 5:49 PM] Simpatiku: Hello.. Anyone come to adisucipto air show today?
[12/19/2015, 5:52 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: What time will it begin tomorrow
[12/19/2015, 6:50 PM] Simpatiku: I dont know, caroline. Maybe 8 or 9 am.
[12/19/2015, 6:51 PM] Simpatiku: But tomorrow, also the first opening of Jogja new library
[12/19/2015, 6:52 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
[12/19/2015, 6:58 PM] Mahasiswa Heni S3 Geomatika: i came to this event today. It is near from my boarding house. Tomorrow will be opened at 5:30 am for jupiter runway fun run schedulle.
[12/19/2015, 7:08 PM] Simpatiku: Wow.. How about the procedure to enter the area? And where is the gate to enter?
[12/19/2015, 7:08 PM] Simpatiku: My house is also near airport 😊
[12/19/2015, 7:13 PM] Mahasiswa Heni S3 Geomatika: from fly over janti around 500 m to south, we find museum dirgantara. we enter from museum dirgantara. there are many officials there. they will guide us the route
[12/19/2015, 7:15 PM] Mahasiswa Heni S3 Geomatika: tomorrow we still can watch the acrobatic show about f 16. it is amazing.
[12/19/2015, 7:15 PM] Emi Asec: Yuhuuu
[12/19/2015, 7:16 PM] Emi Asec: I guess I will be there
[12/19/2015, 7:16 PM] Simpatiku: Ok. Thanks. 05.30 am, right?
[12/19/2015, 7:16 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: What time
[12/19/2015, 7:17 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: In morning
[12/19/2015, 7:17 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Evening
[12/19/2015, 7:18 PM] Mahasiswa Heni S3 Geomatika: i sent the schedulle for tomorrow
[12/19/2015, 7:19 PM] Mahasiswa Heni S3 Geomatika: route map to reach the location
[12/19/2015, 7:48 PM] Simpatiku: From the schedule...according to me, the main agenda will be start at 08.30
[12/20/2015, 6:55 AM] Simpatiku: Hii all.. I am sorry, for jogja library first opening, is not today but tomorrow. I am sorry.
[12/20/2015, 12:38 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: An updated info saying that there is an accident from the air force show..
Currently the event being momentarily closed..
[12/20/2015, 12:40 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Yah plan has crushed and
[12/20/2015, 12:40 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Saw some pics burning into fire
[12/20/2015, 12:40 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Owh.. Are u there Katrina?
[12/20/2015, 12:40 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Plane
[12/20/2015, 12:40 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Nooo some1 actually just sent me some pictures
[12/20/2015, 12:42 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Yeah.. Same to me.. My friend told me just now..
[12/20/2015, 12:46 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: Yaa I saw too
[12/20/2015, 12:47 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: Direct from jupiter runway
[12/20/2015, 12:53 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Are still there at the place, Mba Retno?
[12/20/2015, 12:53 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: *are you
[12/20/2015, 12:55 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: no, I am otw go back Mas Fine
[12/20/2015, 12:56 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: Tusco 501 before atraction...
[12/20/2015, 12:57 PM] Sdc Eddy Subratha: So sad to hear that 😒
[12/20/2015, 12:58 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: too...😒
[12/20/2015, 1:00 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Does it mean that the event has been closed by the accident?
[12/20/2015, 1:00 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Owh. Okay, take care yourself Mba Retno..
[12/20/2015, 1:13 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: Yes...and then that the event has been closed by accident...
[12/20/2015, 1:14 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: Thanks...Mas Fine..
[12/20/2015, 1:18 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: Fatality acrobatic airshow...😒
[12/20/2015, 1:28 PM] Simpatiku: Yes. I am in the airshow location when the accident.
[12/20/2015, 1:33 PM] Mahasiswa Heni S3 Geomatika: i am so sad. i was at the location when the accident was happened.
[12/20/2015, 2:15 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Anyone dead
[12/20/2015, 2:17 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: The pilot and co pilot were dead....
[12/20/2015, 2:17 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: #death
[12/20/2015, 2:18 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Dead your are right
[12/20/2015, 2:19 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: Ohh...thanks
[12/20/2015, 2:20 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Its a tragedy..........
[12/20/2015, 2:40 PM] Simpatiku: The plan made by south Korea. Used by indonesian airforce for 2 years.
[12/20/2015, 2:45 PM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Too bad
[12/20/2015, 2:48 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Poor people..0:30
[12/20/2015, 2:53 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: The picture of both pilot and copilot, was it taken just awhile before the accident?
[12/21/2015, 8:12 AM] Simpatiku: illustration on how to use at, on and in.
[12/21/2015, 8:21 AM] Mahasiswa Heni S3 Geomatika: how about place? how we use at, on or ir?
[12/21/2015, 8:21 AM] Mahasiswa Heni S3 Geomatika: how about place? how we use at, on or in?
[12/21/2015, 10:45 AM] Mahasiswa Heni S3 Geomatika: thank u pak pur
[12/21/2015, 11:38 AM] Sdc Eddy Subratha: Really helpfull mas pur. Thankyou
[12/21/2015, 11:40 AM] Rahim Geografi: Preposition mske sure our position..!?πŸ‘Œ
[12/21/2015, 11:40 AM] Rahim Geografi: Make
[12/23/2015, 6:50 AM] Simpatiku: Hi all...
I have some expectation with English Club. I hope, I can improve my ability in speaking. So, I can explain, especially about the library to all, clearly.
Second, I can write to explain about the library.
[12/22/2015, 4:35 PM] Mahasiswa Paulina Nainggolan: Well, that's a good expectation, actually.. I hope all of us can achieve something good from this club...
[12/22/2015, 4:49 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: 🍎🍎🍎
[12/22/2015, 4:49 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: 🍏🍏🍏
[12/22/2015, 8:15 PM] Emi Asec: Okay, sir :)
[12/24/2015, 1:46 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Hey guys... How are you??
Hope you are alright..
[12/24/2015, 1:46 PM] Mahasiswa Retno Geo: I am FineπŸ˜„
[12/24/2015, 1:48 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Yeah.. Great...
By the way, Could anybody help me??
[12/24/2015, 1:48 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: "Hanya sesimple itu" how do you say it in english?
[12/24/2015, 1:49 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: I'm not Fine but I'm Jay   πŸ˜„πŸ˜„
[12/24/2015, 1:50 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Haha... Yeah... You are Jay,
[12/24/2015, 1:50 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: And I'm Fine...
[12/24/2015, 1:50 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: πŸ˜ƒ
[12/24/2015, 1:50 PM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: Hahaha...
[12/24/2015, 1:51 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Back to the question,  does anybody know how to say that words in english?
[12/24/2015, 1:55 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: For the context description, we can take some participations in saving our health by a simple action. "Minum air putih saat bangun pagi, hanya sesimple (sesederhana) itu"
[12/24/2015, 1:56 PM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: Just likethis, it's my oppinion
[12/24/2015, 1:59 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Yes.. Thank you Pak Padalumba
[12/24/2015, 2:01 PM] Rahim Geografi: Happy end year...
[12/24/2015, 2:05 PM] Mahasiswa Pada Lumba: You are welcome and happy end year too
[12/24/2015, 2:15 PM] Emi Asec: And I am Fine too πŸ˜‰
[12/24/2015, 2:19 PM] Emi Asec: Hanya sesederhana itu ::
1. Simple. Only that?
2. That's all simply?
3. Only that simply?
4. Only that?
There are many choices :)
[12/24/2015, 2:23 PM] Emi Asec: According to the context, we can say::
"Drink fresh water when you wake up. Simple, only that."
"Simply, drink
...only that."
[12/24/2015, 2:25 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: "Just simple as it is", can it be so?
[12/24/2015, 2:26 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Haissh.. "Can it be so" <-- what else is it?? Haha..
[12/24/2015, 2:26 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Getting more complicated instead... πŸ˜ƒ
[12/24/2015, 2:27 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Hiishh.. 😫
[12/24/2015, 2:30 PM] Emi Asec: Take it simple, Sir. Choose the simplest way πŸ˜‰
[12/24/2015, 2:31 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Thank you mba emmy... πŸ˜‰
[12/24/2015, 2:32 PM] Emi Asec: No sweat
[12/24/2015, 3:29 PM] Mahasiswa Leni A Mpkd: How about '..just that simple..'?
[12/24/2015, 3:29 PM] Mahasiswa Leni A Mpkd: 😁
[12/24/2015, 3:32 PM] Emi Asec: Only = just, tapi sebetulnya maknanya beda. Bisa sj dipakai utk pertanyaan yg maknanya "meragukan sesuatu"
[12/24/2015, 3:34 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Got it.. πŸ˜‰
[12/24/2015, 3:35 PM] Emi Asec: A: Silahkan isi lembar formulir dan Anda berkesempatan memenangkan kupon hadiah ini.
Please fill up the form and you have chance to win the coupon.

You: Benarkah? Sesederhana itu (itu saja)?
Really? Just to do it? That simple?

Really? Just that?
[12/24/2015, 3:36 PM] Mahasiswa Leni A Mpkd: πŸ‘πŸΎ
[12/24/2015, 3:37 PM] Emi Asec: Only us = hanya kita
Just us = hanya kita (tapi maknanya seperti bilang "jgn kasih tahu siapa2 ya cuma kita loh ya"
Hihihi kurang lbh begitu
[12/24/2015, 3:41 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Bedanya memang sangat tipis.. Tapi akan terasa janggal untuk setiap padanannya.. Contoh : only God knows why. Sama Just the two of us..
Akan janggal terdengar kalau pake Just ->> God knows why atau sebaliknya.
Kira2 begitu.. 😁
[12/24/2015, 3:42 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Tapi saya bisa keliru juga sih... 😁
[12/24/2015, 3:44 PM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: That is just how I'm thinking..
[12/24/2015, 3:48 PM] Emi Asec: Iyup betul
[12/25/2015, 7:15 AM] Emi Asec: A good quote :)

Sent by WhatsApp
[12/26/2015, 4:04 PM] Simpatiku: Fase berikutnya dari revolusi digital akan membawa lebih banyak cara baru dalam menggabungkan teknologi dengan
[12/26/2015, 4:04 PM] Simpatiku: Industri kreatif...
[12/26/2015, 4:07 PM] Simpatiku: ... Saling mempengaruhi antara teknologi dan seni, akhirnya akan menghasilkan bentuk baru yg sempurna pada ekspresi daj format media.
[12/26/2015, 4:09 PM] Simpatiku: Inovasi ini akan dimunculkan oleh orang yang dapat membuat hubungan  antara keindahan dengan engineering, kemanusiaan dengan teknologi dan poetry to processors...
[12/26/2015, 4:10 PM] Simpatiku: Anyone can help me, translate the quote to Bahasa?
[12/27/2015, 8:14 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: The next phase of the digital revolution will bring more new ways to combine technology with creative industries.
Interplay between technology and art, will eventually result in a new form that perfect expression DAJ media format.
This innovation will be raised by those who can connects beauty to engineering, technology to humanity, and poetry to processors.
[12/27/2015, 8:15 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Sumber :
[12/27/2015, 8:21 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: Lol ,i thought ,source.:fine's head.......
[12/27/2015, 8:32 AM] Simpatiku: πŸ‘†πŸ˜„
[12/27/2015, 9:09 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Haha... Not really...
[12/27/2015, 9:10 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: Make your life as simple as possible.. Lol
[12/27/2015, 9:19 AM] Mahasisea Catrine Mip: You know
[12/27/2015, 11:53 AM] Mahasisqa S3 Jai: πŸ‘†πŸŽπŸŽπŸŽType a message
[12/29/2015, 7:31 AM] Simpatiku: Congratulation for mas Haidar and mbak Rafifa for their wedding party... πŸ‘πŸ»
[12/29/2015, 7:36 AM] Rahim Geografi: Congratulation for a happy wedding...jadi tringat saat2 ijab qobul...rasa2x msh mau lagi..kwkw.πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘€
[12/29/2015, 7:46 AM] Mahasiawa Firto Cio: What a super fantastical video.. I wish your marriage goes fantastic as the video is even more, for ever after..

Monday 28 December 2015

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Menghilangkan player control di video Youtube (embed)

Dalam melampirkan video yutube, kita dapat membuat setelah agar control player tidak ditampilkan. Caranya adalah sebagai berikut:

Ambil code embed dari youtube (iframe)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Tambahkan pada akhir url Youtube dengan kode dibawah ini:

sehingga akan menjadi:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src=";autohide=1&amp;showinfo=0&amp;controls=0;" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hasilnya, seperti hasil di bawah ini:

[Tips for Writing Your Research Proposal] (copas)

Sumber: klik

1. Know yourself: Know your area of expertise, what are your strengths and what are your weaknesses. Play to your strengths, not to your weaknesses. If you want to get into a new area of research, learn something about the area before you write a proposal. Research previous work. Be a scholar.
2. Know the program from which you seek support: You are responsible for finding the appropriate program for support of your research.
3. Read the program announcement: Programs and special activities have specific goals and specific requirements. If you don’t meet those goals and requirements, you have thrown out your chance of success. Read the announcement for what it says, not for what you want it to say. If your research does not fit easily within the scope of the topic areas outlined, your chance of success is nil.
4. Formulate an appropriate research objective: A research proposal is a proposal to conduct research, not to conduct development or design or some other activity. Research is a methodical process of building upon previous knowledge to derive or discover new knowledge, that is, something that isn’t known before the research is conducted.
5. Develop a viable research plan: A viable research plan is a plan to accomplish your research objective that has a non-zero probability of success. The focus of the plan must be to accomplish the research objective.
6. State your research objective clearly in your proposal: A good research proposal includes a clear statement of the research objective. Early in the proposal is better than later in the proposal. The first sentence of the proposal is a good place. A good first sentence might be, “The research objective of this proposal is...” Do not use the word “develop” in the statement of your research objective.
7. Frame your project around the work of others: Remember that research builds on the extant knowledge base, that is, upon the work of others. Be sure to frame your project appropriately, acknowledging the current limits of knowledge and making clear your contribution to the extension of these limits. Be sure that you include references to the extant work of others.
8. Grammar and spelling count: Proposals are not graded on grammar. But if the grammar is not perfect, the result is ambiguities left to the reviewer to resolve. Ambiguities make the proposal difficult to read and often impossible to understand, and often result in low ratings. Be sure your grammar is perfect.
9. Format and brevity are important: Do not feel that your proposal is rated based on its weight. Use 12-point fonts, use easily legible fonts, and use generous margins. Take pity on the reviewers. Make your proposal a pleasant reading experience that puts important concepts up front and makes them clear. Use figures appropriately to make and clarify points, but not as filler.
10. Know the review process: Know how your proposal will be reviewed before you write it. Proposals that are reviewed by panels must be written to a broader audience than proposals that will be reviewed by mail. Mail review can seek out reviewers with very specific expertise in very narrow disciplines.
11. Proof read your proposal before it is sent: Many proposals are sent out with idiotic mistakes, omissions, and errors of all sorts. Proposals have been submitted with the list of references omitted and with the references not referred to. Proposals have been submitted to the wrong program. Proposals have been submitted with misspellings in the title. These proposals were not successful. Stupid things like this kill a proposal. It is easy to catch them with a simple, but careful, proof reading. Don’t spend six or eight weeks writing a proposal just to kill it with stupid mistakes that are easily prevented.
12. Submit your proposal on time: Duh? Why work for two months on a proposal just to have it disqualified for being late? Remember, fairness dictates that proposal submission rules must apply to everyone. It is not up to the discretion of the program officer to grant you dispensation on deadlines. Get your proposal in two or three days before the deadline.

10 types of plagiarism in research (copas)


Last year, we wrote about the steps Wiley is taking to target plagiarism. For each manuscript submitted to a Wiley Open Access journal using the ScholarOne submission system, an automatic report is generated using the iThenticate anti-plagiarism software, a process that benefits authors and editors alike by ensuring high ethical standards across the open access programme.
Plagiarism however, continues to be a huge problem in scientific publishing. In order to address these ongoing issues, a deeper knowledge and understanding of the nature of plagiarism is required. With this in mind, iThenticate have conducted a survey of scientific researchers, in which respondents were asked to both rate the severity and commonness of ten forms of plagiarism. The following infographic (used with permission from iThenticate) shows the ten types, along with percieved commonness and seriousness. You can also view the survey summary here.

Related Posts:

  1. Wiley takes measures to target plagiarism
  2. CrossCheck Implementation Supports Detection of Plagiarism
  3. ALPSP Seminar on Plagiarism Detection and Management
  4. CrossCheck / iThenticate – An Update
  5. How to promote your research through blogging

Monday 21 December 2015

Mengapa saya tidak [belum] tertarik RFID untuk perpustakaan FT UGM?

Siapa yang tidak tahu RFID, teknologi canggih yang akhir-akhir ini banyak digandrungi pada pustakawan. Seolah-olah, RFID menjadi tolok ukur dalam pengembangan perpustakaan.

Namun, saya tidak (atau lebih halus: belum) tertarik menerapkan RFID di perpusakaan yang saya kelola, Perpustakaan FT UGM. Mengapa?

Tidak kuat mikir
menerapkan RFID tidak sekali jadi. Akan ada keberlangsungan secara terus menerus. Konsekuensi pikiran yang harus dialokasikan untuk memikirkan solusi masalah, negosiasi trouble shooting, mengikuti trend baru perkembangan RFID tentu harus dilakukan. Selain itu juga mikir perawatan, pengadaan chip baru untuk koleksi baru dan seterusnya. Hal ini juga berhubungan dengan ketidak kuatan saya dalam mikir anggaran. Saya berprinsip, dari pada mikir untuk minta anggaran menerapkan RFID, lebih baik untuk beli koleksi, atau membangun kegiatan serta berbagai pendukungnya yang lebih bersifat substansial untuk perpustakaan. Bagi saya, di perpustakaan FT UGM, RFID saat ini berposisi pada teknologi sampingan saja, bukan alat utama dalam pengembangan perpustakaan.

Tidak sebanding dengan buku yang dimiliki
Koleksi perpustakaan FT UGM tidaklah banyak. Untuk level perpsutakaan fakultas, hanya memiliki 5000-an koleksi. Tentunya jika di RFIDkan harus ditimbang-timbang sisi manfaatnya.

Jenjang pendidikan pustakawan dan pekerjaan rutinnya

Catatan: semesta pembicaraan dalam artikel ini adalah pustakawan perguruan tinggi. Boleh setuju, boleh pula tidak setuju.

Pustakawan, dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, terampil dan ahli. Masing-masing juga dibagi menjadi beberapa jenjang. Selain penjenjangan tersebut, pustakawan juga (dapat) dibedakan dari jenjang pendidikannya, mulai D3, S1, S2, S3. Lalu apa perbedaan perpustakaan yang dikelola oleh beberapa jenis kelompok/jenjang tersebut?

Terus terang, kadang saya belum bisa menemukan perbedaannya. Namun, setelah njungkel njempalik, mikir ngiwo nengen, saya sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa bagaimanapun juga, pustakawan itu pekerjaannya berhubungan dengan pemustaka. TITIK. Maka, semakin tinggi jenjang pustakawan (baik pendidikan atau fungsionalnya), maka seharusnya semakin bertambah kualitas hubungannya dengan pemustaka.

Pertanyaannya, bagaimana membedakan kualitasnya? Nah, sampai di sini saya mumet lagi. Karena saya tidak menemukan pengelompokan layanan berdasar pendidikan pustakawan. Kalau berdasar jenjang fungsional, pastinya berdasar peraturan para pejabat (Perpusnas atau yang berwenang). Terkait kompetensi layanan dan kualitas layanan berdasar pendidikan ini menurut saya penting. Artinya, ketika ada pustakawan lulus S1,S2,S3, maka institusi sudah dapat mempunyai gambaran, layanan dan kualitas yang akan bertambah di perpustakaannya. Kalau ternyata kualitasnya sama dengan sebelumnya, maka investasi institusi terkait SDM, gagal. Jenis layanan, tentunya juga disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pemustaka, prediksi kebutuhan mahasiswa, kemampuan penawaran layanan baru kepada mahasiswa oleh si pustakawan.

ketika ada pustakawan lulus S1,S2,S3, maka institusi sudah dapat mempunyai gambaran, layanan dan kualitas yang akan bertambah di perpustakaannya.

Seorang kawan (tidak di Indonesia), ada yang berpendapat bahwa pustakawan cukup maksimal S2. Kalau S3, mungkin mau ke jenjang struktural, nyambi jadi dosen atau sebagai cadangan jika pensiun dapat digunakan untuk mengajar di institusi pendidikan. Saya lihat memang jarang pustakawan yang memiliki ijazah S3. Jika ada, biasanya dia nyambi jadi dosen. Padahal, kalau statusnya pustakawan, maka semestinya harus terlihat, kegiatan yang dia layankan kepada mahasiswa sebagai bentuk kegiatan rutin di perpustakaan.

Perguruan tinggi, hendaknya juga membuat standard kualifikasi pustakawan pada masing-masing jenjang (S1,S2,S3) yang ada di institusinya, dikaitkan dengan capaian institusi yang diinginkan.

Berikut pendapat saya, terkait kompetensi pustakawan berdasar jenjang pendidikan. Pendapat ini dalam batasan perpustakaan perguruan tinggi, dan tentunya masih terbuka untuk dikritisi, tur ya durung rampung (dan juga belum selesai). Namanya juga buat ngisi blog. *halah*.

Pendidikan, yang saya maksud pada pembagian di bawah ini adalah pendidikan bidang perpustakaan dan informasi. Namun, jika pustakawan memiliki ijazah pendidikan bidang lain, maka konsekuensinya adalah, dia harus mampu menerapkan ilmu tersebut dalam perpustakaan. Misalnya memiliki ijazah bidang pendidikan, maka kewajiban dia adalah membawa skill mendidik dalam lingkup perpustakaan. Memiliki ijazah komunikasi, maka dia harus menjadi tulang punggung komunikasi dengan pemustaka baik tulisan, media sosial, web dan lainnya.

Pendidikan S1, minimal:
  • menguasasi konsep metadata dan mampu membuat metadata yang benar
  • melakukan pemasaran perpustakaan
  • menguasai minimal 1 teknologi informasi untuk otomasi dan repository
  • mulai menganalisis literasi dalam berbagai aspek dan menurunkannya dalam bentuk layanan
  • mampu membuat sebuah produk, yang didasarkan pada kebutukan pemustaka
  • Membaca, menulis

Pendidikan S2, minimal:
  • menguasai kompetensi S1
  • menguasai berbagai aspek literasi (informasi, teknologi,....), serta menurunkannya dalam berbagai layanaan harian perpustakaan, termasuk strategi implementasinya.
  • mampu menggali kebutuhan pemustaka dan visi institusi induk dan dijabarkan pada layanan/kegiatan rutin perpustakaan
  • mampu membangun komunikasi pada pemustaka, dosen, pimpinan dan pihak eksternal, serta membangun kegiatan bersama
  • Membaca, menulis
  • mampu merancang dan mengeksekusi pengembangan perpustakaannya

Pendidikan S3, minimal:

  • menguasai standard kompetensi minimal pendidikan S2
  • membantu mahasiswa dalam penelitian, terkait berbagai hal pada penelitian: metode penelitian, korelasi antar bab-bab dalam penulisan, mengutip yang benar, dan memastikan tulisan tidak mengandung plagiat (teknis dan substansi )
  • membuat analisis perpustakaan secara makro, serta menjaga perpustakaan agar tetap sesuai perkembangan jaman dan memenuhi kebutuhan pemustaka
  • mampu merancang dan mengeksekusi pengembangan perpustakaannya
  • membaca, menulis

Lalu, bagaimana dengan Pustakawan Utama?

Parto: "Kang, kalau mau tahu tugas pustakawan yang bergelar Doktor, minta saja dosen Ilmu Perpustakaan yang bergelar doktor itu, untuk bertugas di perpustakaan. Lihat, seberapa jauh kualitas hubungan yang dia buat dengan pemustaka"

Karyo: "weh, ide brilian kang, tumben kowe pinter?"

catatan publikasi artikel:
  1. 21 Desember 2015

Friday 18 December 2015

Thursday 17 December 2015


Pustakawan UGM itu bergelimang fasilitas : di mana pustakawan UGM dapat menerbitkan tulisannya?

Pustakawan di UGM itu bergelimang fasilitas. Mau apa? jaringan internet, ada. Jurnal internasional, ada, tinggal unduh. Meskipun saya yakin, bagian pengadaan jurnal ini berat pekerjaannya. Lepas dari itu, pustakawan tinggal unduh. ScienceDirect, SpringerBook, dan berbagai database lainnya.

Demikian pula dalam penerbitan tulisan atau hasil karya. Dengan email @ugm / @mail.ugm yang dimiliki, pustkawan  secara mandiri bisa mengunggah karyanya dalam berbagai media daring. Apa saja?

Media internal UGM
Blog pribadi .ugm
Blog pribadi ini dapat diaktifkan menggunakan email @ugm, dengan melakukan login di Pustakawan dapat mengelola blog tersebut dengan mudah. Blog menggunakan mesin Wordpress yang sangat populer digunakan.

Merupakan repository yang memuat karya ilmiah warga UGM. Pustakawan yang memiliki artikel ilmiah dapat mengunggah dalam repository ini. Caranya dengan login terlebih dahulu menggunakan akun email @ugm. Repository ini terhitung pada webometric. Sehingga dengan rajin mengunggah artikel di mesin ini, pustakawan juga berkontribusi pada peningkatan ranking webo UGM.
Merupakan blog Forum Pustakawan UGM. Pustakawan dapat memposting tulisan ringan bidang kepustakawanan pada blog ini. Caranya mudah, cukup kirimkan tulisan ke email Tulisan akan direview dan diunggah lengkap dengan tag nama penulis.

Berkala Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi, serta Media Informasi
Media ini merupakan media cetak terbitan Perpustakaan UGM yang menerima tulisan ilmiah, serta resensi buku dari para pustakawan. Tentu saja, untuk bisa masuk dalam media ini, perlu mengirimkan tulisan ilmiah dan akan melalui beberapa tahap analisis kelayakan.

Media luar UGM
Berbagai jurnal/majalah kepustakawanan lainnya
Sama dengan BIPI dan MI, berbagai perpustakaan, terutama perguruan tinggi juga menerbitkan terbitan berkala. Pustakawan dapat berkompetisi pada media ini.
Merupakan portal yang memuat tulisan bidang computer dan library and information science berbagai ilmuwan dari berbagai negara, bersifat open access. Pustakawan dapat mengirim tulisan mereka ke portal ini, dan tentunya portal ini terindex Google. Artinya akan terhitung di GoogleScolar dan h-index Google.
Prosedur mengirim artikel ke portal ini adalah:

Thursday 10 December 2015

Studi banding ke University of Texas at Austin: Wah, ternyata banyak tema workshop yang bisa dilakukan di perpustakaan !!!

Rekan sekalian, kunjungan saya kali ini adalah ke daratan Amerika, yaitu ke University of Texas at Austin. Tentunya saya datang ke perputakaannya. Berbagai tampilan dalam perpustakaan berhasil saya peroleh, salah satunya adalah ruang baca seperti gambar di bawah ini. Sebutannya sih "collaborative common"

Cakep kan? Oia, yang selalu menjadikan saya penasaran adalah apa sih kegiatan perpustakaannya?
Nah, dari tempat ini saya peroleh informasi, klik di sini. Perpustakaan ini menyelenggarakan berbagai kegiatan yang terangkum dalam event WORKSHOP. Sering sekali bro... cakep banget. Nah, saya penasaran nih, apakah semua diampu pustakawan? atau kolaborasi.

Salah satu materinya adalah Secrets of effective peer review, yang diampu oleh Professor Davida Charney. Ternyata perpustakaan berkolaborasi dengan dosen. Sebagian besar kegiatan dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa sampai Kamis.  Tantangan dalam mengelola, termasuk mencari pemari dari benyak materi, saya yakin marai mumet 7 keliling. Joss tenan..

Berikut beberapa tema kegiatan yang diselenggarakan di perpustakaan ini, mulai September sampai Desember 2015.

    1. Resumes that Get Results
    2. Time Management for Scholars
    3. Personal Statements: Standing Out While Fitting In
    4. Getting in your Teacher’s Head: Reading Prompts
    5. Create a podcast with Audacity
    6. Time & Procrastination
    7. Long Haul: Organizing Long Papers
    8. From Evidence to Argument
    9. Learning Commons Workshop: Short Video Production
    10. Better Together: Creating and Maintaining a Writing Group
    11. Digital Writing for Digital Natives
    12. Study Smarter Not Harder
    13. Secrets of Effective Peer Review
    14. Copyright and Academic Work
    15. Read Between the Lines
    16. Learning Commons Workshop: Public Speaking
    17. Learning Commons Workshop: Lights… Camera… Longhorns! Get Your Videos on the Web with iMovie
    18. Learning Commons Workshop: Book Repair for your Personal Collection
    19. Learning Commons Workshop: Using the Thesis/Dissertation Templates
    20. Learning Commons Workshop: Breaking Through Writer's Block
    21. Learning Commons Workshop: Academic Style is Not an Oxymoron
    22. Learning Commons Workshop: What is Version Control? Learn about Git/GitHub
    23. Learning Commons Workshop: Publishing While Studenting
    24. Learning Commons Workshop: Grammar and Punctuation
    25. Learning Commons Workshop: Cite it Right
    26. Inspiration & Research for Creative Writers
    27. Say it with Infographics
    28. Learning Commons Workshop: Publishing Digital Projects Using Scalar
    29. Learning Commons Workshop: Conducting and Writing a Literature Review
    30. Learning Commons Workshop: Death of the Red Pen: Responding to Grammar and Usage Errors Effectively
    31. Graduate Writing Retreat
    32. Learning Commons Workshop: Poster Design Workshop
    33. Learning Commons Workshop: Network Analysis with Palladio for Humanists
    34. Learning Commons Workshop: Writing a Research Paper
    35. Learning Commons Workshop: Grade Faster: Minimal Marking for Maximum Learning
    36. Learning Commons Workshop: Revising and Proofreading Papers
    37. Learning Commons Workshop: LinkedIn for Career Exploration
    38. Learning Commons Workshop: Surviving Finals
    39. Surviving Finals
    Informasi lengkap keterangan masing-masing materi, dapat dilihat di
    Ada kegiatan yang diberi label "learning commons workshop", Maksudnya apa ya? Kita analisis dulu, sik penting posting dulu.

    Semoga bermanfaat. 

                                                                                Wednesday 2 December 2015


                                                                                Beberapa media simpan online di UGM

                                                                                UGM menyediakan berbagai layanan media penyimpanan online. Media ini dapat digunakan sebagai wadah pencadangan dokumen yang dimiliki oleh civitas. Misalnya data skripsi, agar tidak hilang karena virus atau sebab lainnya.

                                                                                UGM menyediakan GoogleApps untuk civitas akademika, termasuk GoogleDrive dengan kuota unlimited. Warga UGM yang memiliki akun email @ugm atau @mail.ugm dapat masuk melalui Tapilan sama persis seperti menggunakan email GMail.

                                                                                Office 365.
                                                                                Office 365 dapat diakses menggunakan email UGM dengan alamat akses Ada kuota 1 TB yang dapat digunakan untuk berbagai kebutuhan akademik.

                                                                                Simpan UGM.
                                                                                Layanan ini juga dapat diakses menggunakan email UGM, dengan alamat akses Default layanan ini menyediakan kapasitas 7GB dan dapat ditambah sesuai kebutuhan. Layanan ini menyediakan fitur berbagi file baik via email atau URL.

                                                                                Tuesday 1 December 2015


                                                                                Menengok layanan perpustakaan di negara lain: Queensland University Library

                                                                                Studi banding saya kali ini adalah di  Queensland University Library (QUL), alamatnya di Sama seperti studi banding sebelumnya, saya mencari tahu layanan perpustakaan di QUL, selain sirkulasi.

                                                                                Setelah sampai di QUL, saya menemukan dua informasi, seperti ada dalam gambar berikut:
                                                                                Research dan Teaching support
                                                                                Research dan Teaching Support. Penasaran, saya ingin tahu apa peran perpustakaan dalam mendukung penelitian, hasilnya ada di bawah ini.
                                                                                layanan dukungan riset
                                                                                Gambar di atas memperlihatkan informasi yang dihimpun perpustakaan untuk mendukung riset pemustaka. Mulai dari informasi kontak pustakawan, tips untuk peneliti pemula, document delivery, berbagai training penggunaan fasilitas dan TI, serta informasi terkait penerbitan (scolarly publishing, copyright, metric, impact factor). Jika ditelisik lebih jauh, masing-masing layanan ini akan memberikan berbagai cabang layanan.  Research Data Management, misalnya. RDM akan ditampilkan dengan pengertian dan konsep, serta video terkait. Referencing software, menampilkan berbagai pilihan dan layanan trainingnya.

                                                                                Layanan kedua adalah dukungan proses belajar-mengajar.
                                                                                dukungan belajar-mengajar
                                                                                Pada layanan ini, kita lihat ada keterkaitan antara sumber belajar online dengan perpustakaan. Beberapa rekaman courses, informasi plagiarism dan lainnya.

                                                                                Berbagai layanan di atas, tentunya harus didukung dengan kemampuan SDM yang memadai, baik terkait konsep (copyright, IF, metric...) atau hardskill. Artinya, jika kita ingin juga mempunyai peran yang semakin berbobot dalam rangka ikut serta mendukung misi universitas, maka berbagai kemampuan terkait hard skill serta penguasaan pada berbagai isu dan konsep dunia informasi serta dunia penerbitan ilmiah harus kita kuasai.