Monday 11 November 2019

Membuat rumus di Latex menggunakan MathPix

Extract LaTeX from PDFs or handwritten notes in seconds. Download Snip for desktop and start saving time

Dengan aplikasi ini, kita bisa memperoleh kode rumus pada Latex secara cepat. Tersedia di Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, dan Mac.

Uniknya aplikasi ini diakui oleh ilmuwan sekaliber Einstein, Newton dan Alan Turing. Tapi ya embuh, tenan mereka pernah mencoba atau bagaimana sejarahnya... 

“If I had known about Mathpix earlier, perhaps I would have had enough time to work out the Grand Unified Theory.”

Albert Einstein

“When I lost my .tex file to the Principia, I was devastated. Mathpix helped me effortlessly use equations from the Principia in my new work. I now have more time to stand beneath trees and get hit by apples.”

Isaac Newton

“Mathpix's AI definitely passes this Turing test!”

Alan Turing


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